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Part No.
Kích thước lắp đặt
  • Đường kính trong ID
  • Đường kính ngoài OD
  • Chiều cao phốt H1
  • Chiều cao khe lắp H2


It combines a low-friction polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bearing surface with the strength and dimensional stability of a metal backing.

Mô tả thương mại

This environmentally friendly, lead-free, self-lubricating metal-polymer bearing requires no additional lubricant. It combines a low-friction polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bearing surface with the strength and dimensional stability of a metal backing.

Cài đặt và xử lý

Kích thước lắp đặt

Thuộc tính vật liệu

  • Low coefficient of friction.
  • Greaseless operation.
  • Elimination of stick-slip.
  • Compatibility with oil lubrication.
  • Operating temperature range
    -200℃ to +280℃.
  • Accommodates high-loads, impact loads, intermittent operation and reciprocating motion.
  • Freedom from electrostatic induction (electrical resistance of 1Ω to 10Ω per sq cm of contact area).
  • Resistance to most industrial chemicals and solvents such as petroleum and alcohol.
  • No shaft damage.
  • Extended service life.
  • Light weight, thin wall construction (max. 3 mm) for compact equipment design.
  • Minimal operating noise.

Khả năng niêm phong

Part No. ID OD H1 H2 Số lượng Chọn
K5B10070 70 100
K5B4040 40 40
K5B5530 30 55
K5B3035 35 30
K5B12050 50 120
K5B9550 50 95
K5B2415 15 24
K5B7060 60 70
K5B16050 50 160
K5B9530 30 95
K5B7540 40 75
K5B5040 40 50
K5B8530 30 85
K5B9050 50 90
K5B2030 30 20
K5B9030 30 90
K5B2815 15 28
K5B8030 30 80
K5B14050 50 140
K5B1615 15 16
K5B160100 100 160
K5B6535 35 65
K5B6060 60 60
K5B3525 25 35
K5B3240 40 32
K5B2220 20 22
K5B8060 60 80
K5B11050 50 110
K5B14070 70 140
K5B11080 80 110
K5B7030 30 70
K5B13050 50 130
K5B1420 20 14
K5B3235 35 32
K5B2825 25 28
K5B1620 20 16
K5B1415 15 14
K5B3025 25 30
K5B8550 50 85
K5B10040 40 100
K5B6040 40 60
K5B8035 35 80
K5B12070 70 120
K5B13080 80 130
K5B3530 30 35
K5B10050 50 100
K5B1520 20 15
K5B10030 30 100
K5B4540 40 45
K5B3030 30 30
K5B1412 12 14
K5B1510 10 15
K5B2530 30 25
K5B7530 30 75
K5B9540 40 95
K5B5540 40 55
K5B11070 70 110
K5B3040 40 30
K5B16080 80 160
K5B8040 40 80
K5B9060 60 90
K5B2620 20 26
K5B2025 25 20
K5B10035 35 100
K5B1815 15 18
K5B2830 30 28
K5B4530 30 45
K5B6030 30 60
K5B8560 60 85
K5B9040 40 90
K5B3540 40 35
K5B2225 25 22
BUSH5530DU 30 55
K5B10550 50 105
K5B5025 25 50
K5B8540 40 85
K5B18080 80 180
K5B16064 64 160
K5B3830 30 38
K5B1315 15 13
K5B7040 40 70
K5B2020 20 20
K5B12060 60 120
K5B5035 35 50
K5B14080 80 140
K5B3020 20 30
K5B2015 15 20
K5B2630 30 26
K5B15050 50 150
K5B6540 40 65
K5B1920 20 19
K5B4030 30 40
K5B5030 30 50
K5B11540 40 115
K5B1820 20 18
K5B1825 25 18
K5B3230 30 32
K5B1515 15 15
K5B140100 100 140
K5B12095 95 120
K5B2520 20 25
K5B4525 25 45
K5B7560 60 75
K5B2820 20 28